Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Error 0x800ccc0f with Microsoft Outlook Express

There are a couple different ways to fix this error, depending on what caused it. Along with this error code, a message that says, “Connection To the Server Was Interrupted” or “Your Server Has Unexpectedly Terminated the Connection” might be displayed. It can also appear when an SMTP-based e-mail is sent. The Outlook 0x800ccc0f error code usually occurs when Microsoft Windows Firewall blocks Microsoft Outlook. Likewise, Outlook Express allows users to upload emails that they compose to their browser-based email service and organize information such as Address Book contacts, calendar dates, and tasks. Outlook Express, like other email clients, allows users to download the email messages that they receive via their browser-based email service such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, or MSN Mail. Outlook Express is an email client that comes with Microsoft Office and it is usually available on a computer once Microsoft Windows is installed.